YOGA Magazine
Helping with your daily yoga practice.
YOGA Magazine is the number one yoga, health and fitness brand in the UK and USA. A chic, contemporary publication specialising in yoga, wellbeing and natural living. Each issue is packed with celebrity interviews, organic and natural beauty, fashion, travel, food and the best of yoga and fitness.
Yoga Poses
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Historically there have been many accounts of how the ‘Five Tibetans’ or ‘Five Rites’ came to be, some suggesting that.
This sequence creates an opening for the hip flexors, it provides a challenge for the thigh muscles whilst making the.
INTENSE SIDE STRETCH POSE(PARSVOTTANASANA) HOW TO PERFORM From standing Tadasana (Mountain pose), inhale to step right foot back and turn.
This is a great, gentle way to either start or end the day. You can practise from 10-mins to 30-mins..
1 – BASE: Hold onto the flyer’s ankles with fingers on the outside and thumb inside. Bring legs to 90-degrees.
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Meet Yogi Maharaj
Dr. Malik
Yogi Maharaj Dr. Malik our Editor (since 2003) is a recognised international expert and an authority on the subject of Yoga.
December, 2024
Mar 21 - Apr 20
A thoughtful start to the month helps you concentrate on projects that need concluding quickly. This is an ideal time to spend time on learning a new subject or exploring any that interest you in more depth. You can negotiate your way through some hard-edged financial wrangles with poise and ease.
You will have peace of mind that your patience and perseverance bring to closure anything that is not working in your favour. This is an ideal time for detoxing anything that you want – whether it is your diet, companions and even entertainment.
Apr 21 - May 20
This is a month for reflection and self development. This is the time to act and follow up any heart felt desires. There are many exciting opportunities and ideas to explore.
You will achieve great success in whatever you put your attention to. This is a perfect month to explore and try out theraphoes to help detox your body and mind. Focus on oxygenating your body, clearing out toxins and strengthening your immune system.
May 21 - Jun 21
The month starts on a positive note. You can expect abundance in all areas of your house and that is not just in financial matters. Being a sociable creature, you will attract all kinds of attention and friendships. These will help support you in challenging times.
Remain focused and you will find a suitable partner to share your aspirations. If involved in a long term relationship maybe you should consider taking out quality time to reflect on where you are heading with it.
Now is a good time for making future commitments. You will find the answer to the long-standing issue that is concerning a loved one. The month closes on a peaceful note.
Jun 22 - Jul 22
A perfect time to consider whether it is time to quit a long- term relationship whether in love, career or business that is blighting your energy. Whatever decision you make be sure to check in with your gut and heart instincts. You are energetic and adventurous in matters to do with love and you can expect great blessings and love to be reciprocated as well. Remain grounded and learn to trust yourself and work with the first energy centre.
Social activities keep you busy. There’s fun and excitement on the agenda. You also have the gift of intuition and may use that constructively to mix with likeminded people. The month closes on a peaceful note.
Jul 22 - Aug 22
The month will open on an auspicious vibration. The influence of the stars throughout the month encourages you to work with your sixth and seventh chakras. There is plenty of time to declutter at home and bring in a new energy into your home. This is not a time for complacency. You will summon much needed inner resources to tackle any challenges that present themselves to you. Also seek advice and guidance from friends and family.
Travel may lead you to new places and brings hope of new beginnings. You will also be encouraged to make some changes in your life, for the better. Your popularity also increases as does your social status.
Aug 23 - Sep 21
Demands are made on your time both domestically and socially. You can deliver and meet all responsibilities with ease if you plan and organise properly. Coupled with this are new responsibilities given to you at the work and domestic sides. In love matters you may be starry eyed about someone but be sure to remain cool headed.
Socially you are in demand. The stars are on your side. You can also look forward to pleasant month ahead. This is a time for rejoicing and celebrating everything that is positive and good in your life right now.
Sep 22 - Oct 21
Promotional perks, uprise in salaries, a new job or relocation elsewhere will provide you with the zest to explore new ways of thinking and ‘being.’
Expect a rise in fortune, a new relationship filled with hope and joy as well as new opportunities for self-development. This is an exciting month for you. There will be support coming to you from different people. Your passion, drive, stamina, and energy will help you unlock your talents with spectacular results.
Your confidence and self-esteem will be boosted. You will remain motivated and inspired to pursue innovative, artistic, and brave innovative ideas bringing you respect and admiration from colleagues, friends, and family.
Oct 22 - Nov 21
Start the month with meditation to clear out any energy vibration that is not in tune with your soul. This is a time to revisit any heart and love contracts that you may have made and whether you remain truthful to them. This may be a time for you to part ways. Consider performing a spring clean for ceremonial purposes – to reenergise the environment.
Surround yourself with objects, symbols and paintings that reflect the beauty of the natural world. These will motivate you and inspire you. Spend quality times working with pranayama exercises to detox, revitalise and pep up energy levels.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
New projects bring you the well-earned perks. You can expect to move happily through the month. There is plenty to do at the work and home fronts as you find there are new responsibilities placed upon you which are financially rewarding – but will require your input and energy and attention.
In love, you are lucky and find a soul mate. Socially you are in demand and you close the month on a happy note. There is plenty to keep you occupied and spiritually you keep yourself grounded.
Dec 22 - Jan 20
Emphasis this month is on reflection, contemplation, and meditation. This is a perfect time for spring cleaning the home or office, indeed any environment in which you spend time in on a regular basis. Try some decluttering and cleansing techniques. Bowls of salt, essential oil spritzers and flower should be on top of your list.
Enjoy the energetic vibrational scents that are created and the emotional uplift that arrives. You will be inspired and motivated to complete existing projects and tasks. Good news also arrives encouraging you to start up a new business or social project which is in alignment with your heart’s desires.
Jan 21 - Feb 19
Too many cooks can spoil the broth, or so the saying goes. And that is exactly the problem this month, if you allow it. If you are looking for advice, friendship or companionship stay close to ‘home’ and seek out those that you already have a connection with. This is a good month for you to expand your business projects.
Lucrative contacts are highlighted which will provide financial stability for you. You will experience stability in financial matters and will remain grounded. Make sure you invest time in your health. This is one of the biggest investments that you can make right now.
Feb 20 - Mar 20
An auspicious start to the month brings with it welcome and good news. You can embrace the joys that life offers you and be grateful for everything that currently exists in your life. This in turn will help you attract better things. Treat yourself to some pampering delights as you deserve it.
Establish some boundaries with anyone that is constantly leaving you feeling drained and tired. Incorporate plenty of flower and aromatherapy this month. Fresh flowers and plants placed around the home/office will bring a new zest and energetic vibration which in turn will inspire you to start new projects and ventures. The month closes on a positively good vibrational note.