Ask Yogi November 2022

Q: I was hoping you could suggest anything to keep my body more flexible. I’m 37 years old and generally in a pretty good health, thanks to yoga classes. C.O’Conner – Kilkenny, Ireland
A: Keep up the yoga practise as this helps keep the body flexible and working better. If the spine is flexible then you will experience considerable health benefits overall. A particular favourite pose that I recommended to my students of all ages (if they can perform it) to keep the body active and strong is the Locust pose. This posture brings so many benefits to the mind and body. This has to be one of my favourites. Don’t perform straight after eating to reduce pressure on the digestive organs or damaged it affects not only the movements of other parts of the body but will psychologically affect you also. As we grow older, we lose the flexibility of the spine. There are many yoga exercises that specifically massage and work with the spine helping it retain its elasticity. Regular and correct performance of locust will also revitalise the bowel, liver and pancreas. There are several variations of the classical locust posture. You can vary the position of the arms, legs and head. The locust exercise also helps to tone and firm the hamstrings and buttocks. Your stamina and strength will also increase through regularity of performance. We don’t normally lie down on our stomach and turn over except perhaps when we are sleeping and that’s normally on a bed or sofa. Go over and feel the difference as you stretch onto your yoga mat onto the stomach.

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