Q: I am having some problems with my kidneys and have been referred to hospital for further tests under the care of a consultant. Can I continue to practice my yoga which I have been doing now for several months. D. Percy – Dublin
A: Yoga is good for strengthening and supporting the kidneys. Poses such as bhujangasana, matsyendrasana (half spinal twist) and setubandasana (bridge) are effective for targeting the kidneys and providing support to kidney functions. It is something that should be practised regularly if you are to really feel the improvement in kidney health. Even if your kidney health is severe, this does not mean you can’t practise yoga as yoga is probably just what you need to help manage the condition. If you are undergoing any operative procedure, always check with your consultant/medical cater for added guidance. Heart disease is commonly linked to kidney health so it’s worth paying some attention to whether or not your heart is healthy and other lifestyle changes such as reducing stress and unwanted unhealthy foods and drinks from your diet.