February 10, 2025
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Ask Yogi December 2023

Q: I am a drama teacher and so use my voice a lot. Recently been feeling run down. Can you suggest any positive affirmations for my throat chakra? -D. Pousley – Walsall

A: Positive affirmations are a good way to strengthen chakras (energy centres). There are different ways to practise them . I suggest for this purpose combine positive affirmations with pranayama (breath exercises).

On inhale repeat in the mind, “I hold no fear when I speak” and concentrate on the throat chakra. Exhale and repeat the affirmation out aloud before inhalation. You can repeat this for at least 4 to 10 days.

Other suitable affirmations to work with the throat chakra for any time of the day include:

“I speak confidently and with poise.” “I have a beautiful voice.”

Repeat these affirmations with intention and love at least 5 to 10 times, as and when required, to instil strength and power into your communication skills. Creating and repeating short statements that are designed to have an impact in the subconscious mind culminate in positive visualisations.

Positive visualisations are when you create and imagine pictures in the mind. So, for instance if you want to be successful you will create such images in the mind by seeing yourself as such. In the picture you will focus with great attention to detail, such as what you are wearing, feeling and expressing.

When you imagine something, it’s almost as it is real in the body. The body takes its cues from the mind and acts accordingly both consciously and subconsciously. So you combine the affirmation by visualising yourself confident, healthy and happy.

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