May 17, 2024
233 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6AB United Kingdom
Ask Yogi December 2023

Q: I feel a bit stuck in life and my environment seems stagnant. I’ve cleaned up decluttered and follow regular yoga routine but still feel like I can’t shift some heavy emotional baggage. – F. Ashworth – Surrey

A: Continue with your normal yoga routine and I advise you to try and incorporate the Surya Namaskar set of 12 asanas (sequence of yoga poses) into an early morning practice. This will help change the energy vibration within you. In terms of environment, the energy may feel stuck because of the energy vibrations of what you are sending out. If you are feeling stuck in a rut don’t suffer in silence and seek outside help if the situation is chronic, otherwise help yourself by making small changes in the environment. I notice you decluttered and if it is quite recent then it is inevitable that you may be feeling the way. Sometimes following a declutter session, it can take a few weeks for the energy cycle to realign itself in the environment and in that time, you may feel down and even upset. But it will happen and then you will notice and feel the powerful impact of cleansing. Another way to encourage shift into powerful uplifting energy vibration, not only in the environment but also within, is to invest some time into accessing other small ways to make changes. This could be something as simple as introducing a bouquet of fresh flowers, trying some aromatherapy, or even a salt bowl or placement of crystals to soak up any negativity.

A salt bowl is an easily accessible way to prevent built of toxic energy, but also to clean and purify the environment. The use of salt has been used for thousands of years by many practitioners of religious and spiritual traditions. The best kinds of salt crystals to use are those that are in their natural state. But if this is hard to source use whatever you can access for now. Pink, black, sea salt are all varieties of salt that are highly recommended. You can place salt in small bowls placed around the room in the 4 corners or line it up inside and outside doors and leave for at least 24 hours before clearing it up. You can also sprinkle it under your bed, anywhere we you feel that the energy vibration is lacking and leave it there for at least 24-48 hours before either replacing and replenishing with fresh new bowl or none at all if the energy feels fine.

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