January 16, 2025
233 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6AB United Kingdom
Ask Yogi January 2024

Q: I have started teaching mixed ability yoga classes. Are there any tips you can provide to make the experience constructive and supportive? S. Jones – Birmingham

A: Congratulations on pursuing theyoga teacher pathway. There are severaltips and here are a few.

You can advise students about using props to support their practice. This is a good alternative way to offer students a chance to press ahead with their practice using additional support. Some students are at advanced level and others not. Do not ignore advanced-level students because you think they are fine on their own. Let them know if what they are doing is right and tell them if the yare good.

Try to motivate students to try their best topractice the pose, even if they believe they areunable to do so for a number of reasons. Themore they practice, the easier it will become.If they persist in not doing it, then you willhave to provide an adjustment/modificationfor them to practice with – which is fine.

Modifications and Adjustments are great to correct the way a pose is being held by a student. However, you must have express permission from the student to do so to avoid any misunderstanding or complication. Some students learn in different styles and if you find a student that is particularly struggling then you may wish to implement some changes. For example, move them to the front of the class or near you so you can give them extra attention or just keep an eye on where they are going right or wrong.

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