January 25, 2025
233 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6AB United Kingdom
Ask Yogi January 2024

Q: For several months I have been doing yoga asanas that my teacher has prescribed to help me improve my sexual organs because I have been feeling I am losing the edge. Is there any asana you particularly recommend? D. Daley – Manchester

A: There are quite a few exercises to strengthen the sexual organs. You can try Janu Sirasana. Perform it regularly – i.e., at least 2-3 times a week and hold it for at least four minutes each time.

Numerous other benefits are also attributed to the performance of this yoga pose. It has been recommended to relieve menopausal pains, anxiety, and high blood pressure. The abdominal muscles also are benefited by the natural inner massage given to the organs when the forward bend is performed. Janu sirasana is a great pose also to master, to relieve tension in the neck, spine, and lower back. Because the spine is strengthened, longevity is improved because a flexible spine helps you negotiate movements in your life. The hips, sexual and reproductive organs also benefit from this.

How to perform:

➢ Sit down comfortably on the floor. Traditionally, this pose is done by sitting on the floor without the use of props. But if you cannot do so, it is advisable to use a yoga mat or a blanket to help lift the buttocks up a little.

➢ Keep the spine straight and upright. Keep the head up. Legs should be stretched out in front of you, straight ahead. Spend a few seconds to ground yourself. It can be quite difficult for beginners to hold the basic pose before bending.

➢ When you are comfortable bend your right leg (or left leg) and bring the sole of the foot close to the upper thigh of the left leg so that it nestles comfortably there. Inhale and on exhalation carefully bend down slowly so that the head touches the left leg which is stretched out.

➢ Wrap your arms and wrists together over the left foot sole. Elbows should gently rest on the side of the leg. Hold for at least 12 minutes. On inhalation come out of the pose by releasing the hands and straightening the spine.

Janu sirasana can be modified especially if you cannot bend completely down to the knee. You can use a strap tied around the outstretched leg to give you support. All good yoga shops will sell props which you can use to improve the quality of your practice.

Janu sirsasana should not be performed by anyone who has respiratory problems or knee, leg and back injuries, or anyone experiencing recurring sciatica because of the stretching nature of the exercise. This pose can be mastered through practice. Beginners may find it difficult to completely rest the head down on the knee, but perseverance in practice is needed. Through regular practice and as the spine becomes more flexible you will hopefully master the pose.

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