January 23, 2025
233 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6AB United Kingdom
Ask Yogi June 2024

Q: I feel lack of energy and tiredness, which is also bringing on low mood. My GP says I need to eat healthier, which I am trying to do and that has also made a difference. I need a quick fix to help and was wondering whether you could advise me of any yoga I could try.

S. Brookfield – Birmingham

A: Bhramari (humming bee) is a great pick-me-up for increasing energy.

As the name suggests, when this exercise is performed, the sound mimics that of a bumblebee. This is a restorative, calming exercise and helps ease lower chakra malfunctions such as fear, anxiety, pain, and related emotional derangements.

Sit down comfortably and lift your arms, closing the earlobes with your fingers on both sides. Inhale through our nose, and while doing so, make a humming sound. Exhale from your nose while producing the sound of humming.

Repeat the cycle at least 3 times in your first sitting. As you become more accustomed to this breathing exercise, you can practice it for at least 7 to 10 rounds.

If you master this exercise, you can progress to Kapalbhati (skull cleansing), which is an excellent tonic for good health and for improving energy levels.

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