February 10, 2025
233 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6AB United Kingdom



Today, hundreds of yoga loving pet owners joined in a global campaign to end the controversial dog meat festival in China with a spot of Yoga for dogs or “Doga “.

UK founder and Doga Teacher  Mahny Djahanguiri , whose idea it was to reach out through social media to other parts of the world,organised her Doggie yoga class in Finsbury Park in the scorching hot sun with London dogs and their owners wearing  anti-yulin slogan bandana and T shirts.

Yoga enthusiast Philip Elliott , 46 and his fox terrier Humphrey, who’s in his third year of joining   Manny’s campaign said; “It was a beautiful day. The best so far and very emotional .We all want this horrendous festival to stop. No one wants it and certainly not our dogs. “

In Hong Kong, asia’s largest fitness chain Guavapass (www.guavapass.com ) joined forces with Mahny’s vision and organised their own ”Dog Yoga sunset class“ on a rooftop overlooking the beach attended by celebrity clientele and their pooches, despite unpredictable weather forecast.

Alexandra Chen , events coordinator for Guavapass Hong Kong said ;

“ We almost had to cancel the event due to a typhoon alert. The dogs got soaked but it was all for a good cause and undoubtedly one of most fun  events  . “

Tonight, in Venezuela, Doga Venezuela (www.epa.biz) will be hosting their doggie yoga fundraiser focusing on venezuela’s catastrophic animal welfare due to the decline of their economy .

Organiser Mina Gonzales says “ We will speak of Yulin and educate the nation about what will happen on the 21st of June , but our priority to to give money to shelters for our own street dogs. Here ‘it’s almost as bad as Yulin as people have no money and they are hungry.”

Mahny Djahanguiri quotes : “It is extremely ironic that international yoga day falls on the same day as the yulin slaughter. If we can use yoga as a tool to demonstrate our bond and unconditional love that we have with our pets worldwide then maybe  one day China will listen to our plea. We want to give the voiceless a voice and we to give people hope that CHANGE  will come . If we educate the new generation and inspire them to embrace their dogs the way we do in the west , then maybe in years to come Yulin and other dog meat festivals will be wiped out forever. “

Mahny is encouraging her followers on instagram to set up their own doga classes & fundraiser for international Yoga day . In the next coming weeks Finnland will be joining as her video is going viralaround the world.

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