Words: Leah Shoman
Cleansing your crystals is vital if you are working with their energies on a daily or frequent basis. When you use your crystals in any healing modality or even when they have been stationed in an environment for some time, they will build up with these energies that need to be released; much like when you build up energy in your own human system. Cleansing your crystals restores them back to their vibrational frequency, allowing them to operate at 100 percent capacity.
Do not use this method with crystals that are soft, porous, or contain metal, as they can begin to disintegrate, deteriorate and change their natural properties. Use cooking salt or sea salt. Remember to do your research first before placing any of your crystals in salt.
Place your crystals in a ceramic or glass bowl (no metal). Fill the bowl with cooking salt or sea salt, submerge the crystals and allow them to bathe for up to 24 hours – whatever you feel is necessary for their cleansing. When you are ready to remove the crystals from their salt bath, run them under cool water, ensuring you have rinsed any and all salt residue from them. Discard the remaining salt in the bowl as it cannot be reused due to its collection of negative and unwanted energies.
This is an ancient ceremonial ritual where you burn sacred herbs or resins to cleanse and purify your energy and environment. There are many tools you can use for smudging, including incense sticks, smudge sticks, ethically sourced palo santo, feathers, or smoke-less smudge spray with essential oils. Some herbs and oils you can use for smudging your crystals include sage,cedarwood, lemon, sandalwood, lavender, sweetgrass, frankincense, myrrh, and palo santo.
Light your smudge stick, incense stick, or palo santo, and hold your shell or bowl underneath your smudging modality of choice. Wave and waft the smoke over your crystals and let the smoke linger around them; this process doesn’t take long as the smoke does all the work for you! If you choose to use a feather, just wave the feather in a sweeping motion around the crystals. If you choose to use a smoke-less spray, simply spray the environment around the crystals, and if the crystals rate hard enough on the Mohs hardness scale, you can spray them directly as well. NOTE: ensure that your crystals can handle the water and essential oils.
Some crystals have extremely high vibrations, absorb less energy than others, and can transmute negative energies. Some would call them self-cleansing, meaning they are great for boosting and cleansing the energies of other crystals.
Place the crystals you would like to proximity cleanse near amethyst, quartz, chalcedony, carnelian, citrine, halite, kyanite, or selenite and leave them there for 24 to 48 hours – and that’s it! Another fun tip is to always leave them stationed (when not in use for healings or meditations) next to a piece of one of these crystals, so it’s always on top of its cleansing game.