How To Perform
Begin by coming onto your shins in a kneeling position.
• With your thighs perpendicular to the oor, touch your inner knees together.
• Open your feet slightly wider than your hips, keeping the tops of your feet at on the oor, pressing down evenly across the tops of both feet.
• As you exhale, sit back halfway and make any adjusts to your calves before gently sit fully back on your calf muscles.
• Sit down between your feet, resting your weight equally across both sit bones, allow your thighs to turn inward slightly.
• Sit up straight and draw your should blades rmly against your back ribs. Lay your hands on your thighs, as you lengthen through your spine to sit tall and breathe.
• Increases exibility in the knees, ankles, and thighs.
• Teaches internal thigh rotation and helps to reduce tightness in the legs.
• Strengthens the arches of the feet.
• Improves posture and helps to relieve asthma.
• Brings a greater awareness of the entire body and how the breath moves through the torso, creating calmness and ease of mind.
• If the pose places too much pressure on your knees, you can use a yoga block to help you, just set it down and sit on the edge of it.
• If your ankles need extra padding in the pose, place a blanket or rolled towel beneath each one before coming fully into the pose.
• You have the option to place your hands in a variety of positions and mudras while in Hero pose.