Words: Dilara Gümüş
Yoga is not a result, but a process, just like life without duality. We observe and discover everything in life from the moment we open our eyes to the world. Here is where yoga offers methods of observing and discovering the inside. This time, you are observing your inner world, not the outside world! Your feelings, your thoughts, your breath. So what’s going on inside? Do my thoughts or my feelings affect my thoughts? Is it my feelings or my thoughts that make me who I am? Maybe both… So how are they shaped? Based on what I’ve learned so far? We have a lot of questions in our minds…
Who am I? Soul? Mind? Feelings? Thoughts? Do I really know myself? Can I recognise you? Is this possible? Will my mind, which never shuts up, be quiet one day? Is that voice I can’t understand, my inner voice? My intuition or my trauma? Is it the things I have brought from my family, my parents, my teachers at school, and my environment that do not belong to me? What shapes my actions? What influences my decisions? Yoga will be an answer to all of them in this whole process. Your answer, which does not fit into a certain definition, mould, and book, is your discovery… Yoga aims to ensure the integrity of the breath, body, and spirit. It is holistic awareness.
As you walk in this holistic awareness, you discover yourself to the very depths. Everything in the universe is complete and perfect. We, like the universe, are a mechanism that completes vital functions within fractions of a second. How many of us are aware of this? How many of us consciously take deep breaths, thinking that breathing is the only link between us and life while rushing from work to home to work during the day. At this point, the main purpose of yoga is to “slow down the mind”. But how possible is this? How many of us succeed in arranging those thoughts that we cannot grasp or see? Here we do this by moving from the concrete to the abstract with a
guide that makes things easy. We set out from what we can reach and control. When we set out on this path, we aim to go after the visible and we accept what we cannot see first. Physically, we have 5 senses. These 5 senses help us receive data in the world and facilitate our lives with common mental labels. However, there is a reality beyond what we see, hear and feel. How? The human eye (90 degrees* 1/03* 90*60 1/10.3=) is 324,000,000 (million) megapixels. Even the best camera we say wow is 33.4 megapixels! However, we need a microscope to see microbes and a telescope to see stars. Another example is that the human ear can hear sounds between 20 and 20,000 hertz. We cannot hear sounds above and below
this limit and again we need a vehicle. For example, we can see the image of the baby in the womb thanks to ultrasound. We cannot hear the voices of people trapped under debris in an earthquake area. That’s why we seek help from dogs with a stronger hearing system than we do. But we don’t get up and say no to any of them.But from here we understand that we are limited and that it is much more than what we can see, hear and feel. In other words, we do not know the limitlessness of infinite intelligence, its power, and what it can do. However, as far as we can decipher what we have, we know what the body cover can do. That’s why we start with the most accessible thing, namely the body. We move from the
tangible to the abstract, from the achievable to the unreachable. And our goal is to go beyond all this by first embodying all we know, and coming into balance by aligning. We get rid of the body mould and take our power of creation into our hands. The user manual is YOGA! When we start breathing and meditating, we start to exercise our judgment, perception, and consciousness muscles in our brain.
During Breathing and Meditation; our prefrontal lobe begins to shut up and emotion begins to descend into our brain (temporal lobe). Going down to the tempo is the door that opens to all of our subconscious.
That is, to our subconscious, which manages 96% to 99% of our behaviours in daily life. During all these works, we silence some consciousness so that by focusing ourselves on the breath a little from the outside world, we begin to turn to our inner world and our essence with the breath.
And here the healing begins. We approach the main screen where the pictures that make up our screen reflected on the front screen come and we encounter various thoughts there. The more we look, the stronger the connection with eternity within us becomes, and the brain and body are restructured.
In the asana step, we reconfigure the body-brain hardware. In every movement we make during the day, even when we raise our simplest arm, the breath we take travels through all the involved arm muscles and sends a message to the brain. How does the brain sense things in the body? How we embody our inner senses is very important for us. Because in fact, movement is not about our muscles, it is all about the brain. If the brain does not work well, if the motor system of the person is not developed, the muscle does not develop either.
And our motor system begins to develop at 8 weeks in the womb! It continues with the infancy period. We don’t need difficult yoga poses for a healthy motor system, nervous system, and healthy brain equipment! On the contrary, we need simple movements such as crawling on the ground. The point we need to pay attention to here is not to act robotically. Working with a focus on the fascia, stimulating the entire nervous system, and participating in this miracle process! Because acting with awareness and mindfulness renews synapses and perception in the brain, nervous system, and motor movements.
All these things make us more aware, more alert, more compassionate, and most importantly, individuals with a nervous system that gives the right response at the right time. With this cycle that affects all of our lives, the past, the future, and the present are changing! The equipment of the mind, body, and soul changes, each one is healed, and the future is laid on compassionate foundations with consciousness and awareness. Every moment we breathe is an opportunity to be reborn. I hope you take advantage of every opportunity!
Born in Turkey and living in Kuşadası, Dilara Gümüş is an International HolisticSpiritual Life Coach who has dedicated herself to spirituality, metaphysics, quantum and energy issues since 2012. Dilara is a Reiki Master and focuses on the holistic well-being of all people, including their spiritual, mental, and physical health, in the “experience of being human” as an eternal light. For more information, www.dilaragumus.com instagram: https://instagram. com/gumuss_dilaraa
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