Ask Yogi September 2024

A: I am pleased to hear about the ongoing benefits that you’re 58 experiencing from your yoga practice. Keep it up!

Surya, the right nostril, is connected to the sun and solar breath and energy. I noticed your point about hot flushes. A natural way to address these is to increase your practice of pranayama (breath exercises). These are excellent additions to your lifestyle and I highly recommend them.

Below are two exercises that I strongly advise you to learn and practise as they will help regulate your body temperature to combat the hot flushes and the cold sensations you’re experiencing.

Surya Bhedan is used for heat production. So, when you’re feeling unusually cold, practise this. In the following exercises, the breath is inhaled and exhaled using only one nostril.

Chandra is associated with the moon and left nostril, known as the lunar breath and energy.

Surya, the right nostril, is connected to the sun and solar breath and energy.

To practice Surya Bhedan, close the left nostril with your thumb/finger and inhale through the right nostril. Block the right nostril and exhale out of the left one. Do this for at least 2 to 4 minutes.

To practise Chandra Bhedan, sit in a comfortable posture and follow the above steps but, this time, using the left nostril. So, inhale through the left nostril by blocking the right and then block and exhale through the right.

Surya Bhedan is used for heat production. So, when you’re feeling unusually cold, practise this.

Practise Chandra Bhedan for cooling the body when you experience hot flushes.

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