January 16, 2025
233 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6AB United Kingdom
Ask Yogi August 2024

A: It seems you are already experiencing the benefits of yoga. Yoga postures can be performed and easily assimilated into your day-to-day practice.

I would also particularly highlight Ashwini Mudra which is an ancient yoga posture. The word mudra classically means hand gesture in the Sanskrit language. However, there are other meanings including in this context a body posture. By performing this posture using the body you will be sealing in energy.

Another posture you can try is the Vajroli Mudra This pose is especially beneficial for men. Assume siddhasana pose and keep eyes closed. Pull in sexual organs and upwards and now contract the urinary system. It is the same kind of movement you undertake when you are holding urine in and are not ready to release it.

Bring full awareness to this point. Contract and release again holding for few seconds as you do. Repeat. Continue for at least 1-2 minutes. As your practise grows you can increase the length of time of holding and contracting and repeating.

With reference to siddhasana pose mentioned above it is an ancient posture that has been practiced by sages throughout the centuries for the purposes of achieving high meditative states.

To perform siddhasana as part of another posture or on its own, sit down on the floor so that the heel of the left foot is gently placed against the anus and the right one just above the genitals.

The spine should be kept upright and head and neck should be kept up. The ‘Hatha Yoga Pradapika’, an ancient book on yoga states that siddhasana removes impurities and toxins from the 72,000 nadis.

Hold the posture for at least 60 seconds. As you develop your practice you can hold the posture for longer periods.

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