January 25, 2025
233 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6AB United Kingdom
Ask Yogi October 2024

A: There could be various reasons It might be worth considering taking a holiday, as it really does help get time away for yourself. However, going on holiday for an extended period isn’t always feasible with pending deadlines and work responsibilities. Instead aim for a shorter break – perhaps even a weekend and treat yourself to a spa. Alternatively, create a spa experience at home. If that sounds too much, simply resting at home and combining yoga practice with some pampering might be a good option.

Try soaking in a warm bath with bath salts; lavender is especially good for relaxing and clearing the mind.

Throughout the month, try incorporating hand mudras into your routine whenever possible. Mudras are sacred hand gestures used in yoga as part of meditation practice to seal energy. Performing mudras helps relieve tension, relax the brain, and improve decisionmaking abilities and mental stamina.

Practice them whenever you can. Mudras help to relax the mind and over time, you will notice reduction in the mistakes you’re making. This is because you are focusing on relaxing your mind and body in your own time. In turn, this promotes calmness, which enhances cognitive skills and abilities. Below are two mudras you could try.

Lightly touch the tip of your index finger with your thumb. This mudra is often used while sitting cross legged or kneeling to ensure your life force is kept circulating rather than flowing out of your body. It helps relax tension in the palms and soothes the mind.

In this mudra, the left palm rests in the right, just below the navel, with the thumb tips lightly touching. It is used throughout the spiritual traditions of the Indian subcontinent and symbolises and bestows confidence, wisdom and compassion

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