January 19, 2025
233 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 6AB United Kingdom
Ask Yogi November 2024

A: There is a range of specific asanas (body postures) that can help manage diabetes. As you are borderline, you can still go ahead and practise any yoga that your teacher advises. Try Halasana (plough) and Bhujangasana (cobra).

A particular favourite that I have recommended to my students is the Viparitakarani (legs up the wall). This has many health benefits including for your condition.

In the ancient yoga book, the Gheranda Samitha, Viparitakarani is referred to as a secret.

It is said that if this exercise is performed regularly, longevity is increased. The goal of viparitakarani is to bring about a fusion of the solar and lunar energies within for increasing energy levels.

To perform the viparitakarani: sit down onto the floor. Lower your head to the floor so that it is touches the ground.

Spread your fingers out on either side, then lift your legs up and hold this position.

Other benefits of performing this exercise include increased longevity, reduction in facial wrinkles and lines under the eyes caused by fatigue. It also strengthens the hips and the inner energy channels.

Regarding diabetes generally, you may also consider consulting an Ayurvedic specialist to help you with your diet plan.

According to Ayurveda there are several distinct types of diabetes and each type is caused by an imbalance of the doshas. You may want to consult an accredited Ayurvedic practitioner who will determine which doshas (life force energies) are prevalent within you, as they can govern the way your health manifests.

A specialist can then tailor a personalised diet plan to help you treat and manage your condition by focusing on what you eat and drink. If diabetes is caught early, it can be effectively managed to a point where it does not become chronic.

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